What’s in a name? Define UX

The New York Skyline from Central Park.

A few years ago while working at Booking.com, I was selected to attend a women in leadership course in New York. It was incredible! Every year a few women get nominated from each area of the business and they get the opportunity to learn new techniques and form a cohort of women that they learn alongside and practice their new skills with. My cohort included Laura, Allie, Brie, Sally, Sophie and Susan. I have learnt so much from these women and we still have to odd call to catch up and see how everyone’s getting on….

So what does this have to do with Define UX?

On the last day, a lady had a load of these wooden coins on her (I don’t know why) and put them on the table. She suggested we all take one and keep it on us to remind us of what we can do and the change we want to be. I ended up picking the word Define.

Years later when I was trying to think of a name for my business, I was sorting through my things and this fell out onto my desk. It was perfect and it felt like the universe was telling me something.

With starting my own business, I want to define a few things:

  • Define how I can help women and those that are underrepresented by designing end-to-end inclusive service.

  • Define, articulate and share the Leadership and UX skills I’ve learnt over the years.

  • Define, document and share the workshops I’ve developed over the years.

  • Define a new normal for me based on a flexible way of living my life and being my own boss.

I must admit, I’m not a hugely spiritual person. Have you ever had any moments where it’s felt like the universe is telling you to go for something? Did you listen to it and if so how did that feel?


Getting to the heart of the problem


Co-learning workshop